Collection: Working dog food

Introducing Your Pets Pals Working Dog Food, the perfect fuel for your hardworking canine companion. Our premium dog food is specially formulated to provide the optimal balance of nutrients, energy and flavour to keep your working dog at their best.

Made with high-quality ingredients, grain free also including real meat and vegetables, our dog food provides the protein, carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals that working dogs need to perform at their peak. Whether your dog is a farmhand, hunting partner, or service animal, Your Pets Pals Working Dog Food is designed to meet their unique nutritional needs.

Our formula is gluten-free, soy-free and contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, making it an excellent choice for dogs with food sensitivities. We use only the freshest ingredients and never include any by-products or fillers, so you can be confident that your dog is getting the very best.

In addition to its outstanding nutrition, Your Pets Pals Working Dog Food is also delicious and satisfying. Our carefully balanced blend of real meat, vegetables and herbs provides a rich, savory flavour that your dog will love.  With its easy-to-digest formulation, you can feel good about what you're feeding your furry friend.

So whether your dog is a hardworking farmhand, a dedicated hunting partner, or a loyal service animal, give them the nutrition they deserve with Your Pets Pals grain free working dog food. Try it today and see the difference for yourself.